Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

Thanksgiving brought Grandpa and Grandma Stewart out for a visit this year. Can I say FINALLY. After moving us out here almost 6 years ago they haven't been back since so we were very excited for them to come. They even brough my nephews Trayden and Chase with them. The boys were so excited and kept them busy. My kids love their cousins to death.
So Briggs, Devyn and I were at the bus stop waiting for Rueger to get home from school and he jumps off the bus and comes running to us with this hat on and the funniest, goofiest grin ever. He was so proud of this hat it made me laugh so much. I wish I had the camera with me at the bus stop to capture his face, priceless. So here is an afterthought picture. It's a turkey and it makes me laugh so hard.

Rueger loves kindergarten and loves making the little crafts. I must say to date this is the sweetest though. Good work love.

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